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(English) Gargano Coast in Apulia Region: The Best Beach to Vist in Peschici

The fourteen beaches of Peschici

 For your holiday on Gargano, there are lot of alternatives for beaches! Today we are going to discover all the beaches included in the area of Peschici: they are 14. Some of them will be mentioned only and we will give you the direction to reach them. Peschici has two beaches which are easily reachable on foot from everywhere in the town, unless you are between Vieste and Peschici or not so near to the town. The two beaches are the one of “Jalillo” also called “globe”, which offers great privacy and it is wonderful at sunset offering light breeze and shade It is 1 km and half from Peschici and only 6 km from San Menaio.


Gargano Coast


The other beach is “Marina of Peschici” which is equipped and is ideal for surfers. All of them have white and thin sand. Easily reachable, you will find it following the indication for the harbor. The cove This was, in the past, one of the beaches the inhabitants would go too bathe. Now you can only reach it by sea because the path to reach it has been cancelled by the passing of the time and by the fact that nobody goes there anymore. This is a beach made of pebbles GPS reference: N.41’53,868′ -e.016’00,929′ Prosinisco Beach This impressive beach, made of golden sand and crystal clearsea, is enclosed between two wonderful rocky peaks and on the right one you can see a wonderful trabucco.

Gargano CoastGargano Coast

The access is not easy, as this beach in concession to a private company, but there is a little part of free beach. You can arrive following a path that starts from Tuppo delle Pile and arrives to the beach. The beach is 3 km from Vieste direction Vieste litoranea. San Nicola beach is another wonderful sandy beach, with a part for free entrance and, together with Baia di Zaina, also called the beaches of the young, are my favorite beaches. Here is a link to a previous post about Baia Zaiana Baia Zaiana Manaccore Beach Over time it has seen the overlapping of ancient cultures since the prehistory. It includes an important archeological site, showing an important part of our history and it is one of the most beautiful and most attended beach of Peschici.

Gargano Coast

Closed to two suggestive rocky peaks, it has thin sand and blue sea, you can reach it by a road which brings till to the Grottone di Manaccore, dated 17th century b.c., an important hypogeum created in the cave and used for many years. Some years ago, some excavations brought to light the presence of almost 66 huts, confined with cabalette dug in the rock. It faces the north wind and also from here you can admire the traditional trabucco (trabocco ) on the cliff. The beach is 7km from Peschici, north direction always on the coastal. Cala Lunga Beach It is delimited by promontories which goes till the sea, at few km from Peschici, along the coastal road, it is easy to reach thanks to the road which ends near the rocky cliff and to the comfortable path which goes down until the bay. Made of very thin sand, this beach is exclusive and peaceful and from which you can admire and interesting rocky formation ending with an arch. Cala de Turco Placed between Cala Lunga and Baia del Gusmay, this little and nice cove, which names evokes sad episodes about Turkish pirate running along the Peschici coasts, today can be considered a place to lay down under the sun and take a bath in clear water, totally relaxing. The beach is completely free, reachable until the point of Cala Lunga and then following a path until the sand. This beach can be used to escape from the heat wave of summer being almost shady during the afternoon. Cala del Turco beach is 7.5 km from Peschici. Santa Croce and Gusmay beaches are other two “paradise corner” of the Gargano coast. Sfinale Beach One of the little bay which, still today, preserves all of its savage beauty, it marks the border between Peschici and Vieste, it is uncontaminated and easily reachable thanks to the road which arrives to the beach. It is enclosed between two wonderful rocky peaks, the one on the left preserves ruins of an important Saracen sighting Tower. Also the vegetation is uncontaminated and it is rich of juniper, saffron, and rosemary, a real paradise corner. Another bay worth mentioning is that one of Bescile, at 11 km from Peschici and 13 km from Vieste, totally managed by private concession. All the beaches mentioned are easily reachable from our Bed and Breakfast with a maximum of 30 minutes by car. You will arrive and see all the bays and secret cove and will be happy to give you advice how to best gamble in the fantastic territory of Gargano. Greetings from Gargano, from Pizzicato EcO b&b.

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Scritto da: , domenica - 26 ottobre, 2014
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